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Dress Code

We enforce a dress code at Absolute Dance as part of the process to teach dancers respect for the discipline of dance. Like many other sports and activities, specific equipment and attire are necessary for both increased safety and performance. Tight fitting dance clothes allow teachers and dancers to more effectively evaluate alignment and placement.


Tots/PreK:  Leotard and tights with pink ballet shoes. Skirts are optional. Hair must be secured up and back.


Jammin’: Leotard or tight fitting tank top, with leggings, shorts, or tights, and Jazz shoes. Hair must be secured up and back.


Tap: Leotard or tight fitting tank top, with leggings, shorts, or tights. Tap shoes.


Hip Hop: Loose fitting clothes that dancers are comfortable moving in. Clean street shoes. NO Jeans



LEVEL 1 & 2


Ballet: Solid colored leotard, pink ballet tights. Hair must be secured up and back.


Jazz: Leotard or tight fitting tank top, with leggings, shorts or tights. Jazz shoes, turners or bare feet. Hair must be secured up and back.


Boys Ballet and Jazz: Solid color A-line tank top, above the knee athletic shorts, proper dance shoes. Hair off the face if applicable.





Ballet: Solid colored leotard, footed pink ballet tights (can be convertible but must be worn on feet). Hair in a clean bun.


Jazz: Leotard or tight fitting tank top, with legging, shorts or tights. Jazz shoes, turners, or bare feet. Hair must be secured up and back.


Boys Ballet: Black tights, dance belt, white shirt. Black ballet shoes.


Boys Jazz: Solid color shirt, above the knee athletic shorts. Jazz shoe, turners or bare feet.


2460 Patterson Road #5

Grand Junction, CO 81505  


  Office & Store Hours     
Monday - Thursday... 9:00 am - 7:30 pm
Friday... 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Saturday... 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Sunday- CLOSED

Email for assistance or to schedule an appointment during closed hours

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